Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ngrossing ! YOUNG MINDS & the Outlook Speak Out debate finals!!

Saturday first half turned out to be an excellent one. In the midst of young and budding talent at the National School debate finals at Srifort, it was a nice feeling to relive those fond memories of school. Albeit for a short while, but none-the-less absolutely enthralling affair.
Ex- President, Dr. Abdul Kalam was the guest of honor, and he really got the entire house going upon his arrival. A great man! it was a sheer pleasure to hear him speak and share his experiences.
"If it works, it's yours and If it doesn't, it's mine" - One thing that really touched a chord, as far as I am concerned, was a little story that Dr. Kalam had narrated about his senior, when he was the project lead for one of the satellite programs. For some reason the program failed and the senior took the entire responsibility for the debacle. And next time when the success was achieved he asked Dr. Kalam to step forward to address the press gathering and tell them the saga of success. Now that's what true leadership is all about. A leader is as good as his troops. Giving direction, continuously motivating them and shielding them when the chips are down, are some of the most critical attributes of a successful leader.
All in all...............NICE TO BE THERE!

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