Sunday, October 5, 2008


Wait a second! this isn't what you are thinking. I am not talking about one tall,blond, long-legged siren from down under, the world calls Nicole Kidman.

This Kid-man is a young fella, a wanna be, a dynamo.......but alas! despite all the promise,he is losing all his innocence faster than we can imagine. Yes! this post is about him, it's about the end of innocence. It's about a raging fire, which might cause a havoc to the world at large tomorrow... if it hasn't already.

The exposure is immense these days. Our kids are getting exposed to the good, the bad and the ugly side of human existence at the same time , at a fairly early age. Well! some might argue, what's wrong with it? Better educational facilities, children of Information age, growing in the midst of economic & scientific progress.... What we are witnessing is a natural progression!

Agreed! Point well taken. Kids of today aren't just kids, but they are actually super kids.

Now read this, (1) School kid shoots openly on the campus and guns down dozen other students.(2) A boy of a prestigious school in Delhi captures himself and a girl from the same school in sexually explicit frames , and the MMS pictures becomes talk of the town.(3) Few kids of another premium school caught driving rashly under the influence of alcohol.(4) A school picnic turns into a nightmare, a school girl gets raped.(5) Umpteen cases of bright School kids committing suicide and the reason, high expectations of parents.

Think about it? Who is to blame.............the parents, the teachers, the society?? Well if you ask me, each one has played a part. How?? I think I will keep it for some other day. Too much playing on my mind right now. I really want to address all the three separately. Because I strongly believe, every child is special. It's how we guide them and nurture them, will decide and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

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