Where have they gone? Where have they disappeared?
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy said Martin Luther King Jr, undoubtedly one of the finest leaders of his times. Alas ! such leaders don't walk the earth anymore. Leadership is not just about the status, the position one holds, in fact it's about the awareness, the knowledge of one's own strengths and weaknesses and how best one can lead and motivate the team to achieve a common goal. It's so important to respect every individual, to shield his weakness and to harness all his positives, for achieving the desired results.
What we tend to forget, and it's rather unfortunate these days, is the larger, selfless role of a leader. What good is a leader, if he ends up leaving behind a trail of demotivated, unsuccessful, bruised and battered followers. I have closely watched many leaders making the same mistakes over and over again by putting their selfish motives ahead of the core objective and blaming the team for the debacle.
How would you explain , a leader imposing his or her whims and fancies on the team and not allowing them any room whatsoever to decide how they would like to operate or conduct themselves with other groups or teams. It's absolutely uncalled for, if a leader wants his team to demonstrate an attitude similar to his, especially towards the peers.
Sad ,isn't it? People are essaying the role of leaders, without even having understood the essence of leadership. And in the process, harming the interest of not just the people down below, but also the team as well as the organisation that has entrusted them with such a crucial role.
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