Friday, May 23, 2008

Marketing ! Who is doin' it ??

"Marketing is too important an area to be left alone in the hands of the marketing department ". How true Mr. David true. Marketing should encompass every function, every department, every individual on the floor. Marketing is the lifeline of modern business. It should permeate right to the core, the very being of an organization.

Unfortunately very few indulge in the real deal. And even lesser number foster a culture where marketing takes the center stage. As long as marketing remains the fiefdom of the upper echelons of the corporate ladder, the real power of this pivotal discipline can never be unleashed.

The need for marketing to become a way of life across the board, has never been stronger. Every individual has to learn the importance of marketing. In these fiercely competitive times, the only thing that will differentiate the winner from an also ran, would be a 360 degree marketing approach. The deft handling of this fabulous ...........Art........or is it Science?? will save the day for any organization.

Hallelujah!! The New Order is here

Everything changes with time. Bygones should be just that, nothing more but bygones. The receipe for success lies in donning the new garb every time situation demands. Breaking the old rules, creating the new ones.... Challenging the conventional wisdom, setting a new agenda in motion. If we look around, there's a whole lot more happening around us today than yesterday.
Clearly we are in the midst of a revolution. This raging fire has engulfed,not just economic and social landscape but has touched every beating heart in some form or the other.

All rise! say hello to the new order.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Devil Inside

"Necessity is the mother of invention". What's new? Reminiscent of the teachings of some good ole' school teacher?But isn't it so true? When we are in a spot of bother, when we hit the crossroads and there are not enough paths left to choose from. We start looking beyond the obvious and suddenly find ourselves in the midst of a whole new world.
But alas ! the truth is, and it is very ironical, it doesn't happen that way in these times. People freeze when there is a situation. They don't really push the peddle when it is required the most.
Something inside, the devil inside, stops them from trying , challenging their own self. And eventually they succumb and settle for the ordinary.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

What on earth is OOTB ??

We are complicated creatures.....aren't we ?? Never satisfied with what we've got.At work we struggle for big ideas, for making the next big sale, to earn the next big promotion. And back home, its a different kind of challenge everyday.
You are so predictable, your ideas are so run of the mill, says the boss. Honey! can't you do better?screams dearly beloved after a laborious day.
Everyone expects you to think differently, act differently. In a nutshell, the only way forward, you are told, is by Out of the box approach.
As far as I know this OOTB has been abused to death. In our mad quest for so called innovative ideas, we tend to forget the simple things. Things so basic, if implemented right could metamorphose into something huge and powerful.


I am a staunch practitioner of the Abbreviation " KISS". After all, who has the time to go through a long profile and especially if it is about a self proclaimed brand pundit.

Brand here is a metaphor dear friends. It could mean anything. It could stand for the music I am so passionate about, It could be the field of marketing , I love so much. And hey !why not sports......after all I am a crazy aficionado. Used to be a walking, talking encyclopedia once.

My blog is home to everything that's happening around us. I am planning to add a dash of little things that makes this world go around.

Welcome to my world.