Sunday, May 11, 2008

What on earth is OOTB ??

We are complicated creatures.....aren't we ?? Never satisfied with what we've got.At work we struggle for big ideas, for making the next big sale, to earn the next big promotion. And back home, its a different kind of challenge everyday.
You are so predictable, your ideas are so run of the mill, says the boss. Honey! can't you do better?screams dearly beloved after a laborious day.
Everyone expects you to think differently, act differently. In a nutshell, the only way forward, you are told, is by Out of the box approach.
As far as I know this OOTB has been abused to death. In our mad quest for so called innovative ideas, we tend to forget the simple things. Things so basic, if implemented right could metamorphose into something huge and powerful.

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