Saturday, September 5, 2009


It is often said there's no shortcut to success. You have to earn it at every step. " Work hard son! Keep your head down and someday the world will be at your feet". Well ! for some strange reason the wise man forgot to mention an important thing during his sermon of success. He didn't tell his fellow men that somewhere down the bumpy road to success , a day will come when one might have to sell one's soul in the quest to have it all.

I have a close friend, who despite having all the necessary qualities to make an indelible mark in his chosen profession, still finds himself at sea. He is a victim of the lethal "P", the root cause of many a lost battles at the workplace , the sole reason for the conflicts within the ranks which has marauded the careers of many bright and promising . Not the one to settle for mediocrity, through out his professional career he has strived for excellence to the best of his abilities. A firm believer of " talk your mind and walk your talk" , he simply doesn't seem to get his due and is penalised for his sparks of brilliance. A man of ethics, finds himself surrounded by insecure superiors, wanting him to give up all that he has believed in and has stood for, all these years.

If you are reading this, wherever you are, I would love to hear your views and suggestions. Please do leave a comment behind. What do you think my friend should do? Succumb to the pressures and become like one of them. Keep walking that talk without expecting too much in bargain and not to worry about the consequences.. Be the man he has always been?

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