Sunday, October 11, 2009


Nay! this isn't what you are thinking..... this post isn't about the 2001 debut album by the American Alternative Rock band The strokes . This is about the tough times in the Lifecyle of traditional media, especially print. This is about that big question, media experts all over the world have been talking about, for a while now. Can we survive this massive assault by this juggernaut called digital media ?? Are we ready to reinvent and adapt to the fast changing media landscape? Or are we fighting a lost cause?

Some time ago I had written how magazines in the throes of declining readership are finding it difficult to hold onto to their revenues. Despite that, I don't agree with lot of people, my esteemed friends in the advertising agencies included, who think magazines are on the brink of extinction. Trust me, don't carve your final verdict on that stone .......don't sound the death knell for print mediums future just yet. So what if Time Warner has decided to put TIME INC magazine portfolio up for sale, including the cult brand TIME and FORTUNE. I am sure, come the judgement day, in the boardrooms of print media behemoths around the world, some visionaries would definitely stand up and fight. And amidst the ruins we will still be able to hold, to see, to touch ........... to turn the pages of this fabulous thing called MAGAZINE.


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