Sunday, October 11, 2009


9 Months in the office and the most powerful leader has done enough for peace to stand along side the likes of Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, and host of crusader's of peace since 1901. It doesn't matter what I think, if Nobel Fundation has chosen Barack Obama, I am sure they must have seen something which millions across the world haven't been able to see.

One thing is for sure, Mr. President will have to turn his great road map into reality within and outside of the United States of America to silence all his naysayers, who have criticized the decision of the Nobel Foundation in no uncertain terms. No one knows it better than the man himself that talking tough is one thing and walking the talk is another. The coming months and years would really test the character of this latest Nobel Laureate of peace . I HOPE HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING...........COZ EVERYBODY IS WATCHING CLOSELY and WITH LOT OF EXPECTATIONS.

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