Saturday, April 24, 2010


Salary negotiation I am told is an art rather than a science. The rigmarole of a tough negotiation can be quite rattling at times. Some people are too good at it and they are able to do it with great elan. And then on the other side, there are few who simply hate it. Not that they aren't capable, it just that beyond a point they find the process to bitter to swallow.

One thing that has always posed a question mark in my mind, and something that I haven't been able to fathom till date, is the exact role of Human Resource guys in the negotiation chain. Are they the right people to measure the worth of hard core experience? Should they have the final say? Are they professional and experienced enough to separate the wheat from the chaff? I really wonder, seriously I do.

I am sure there is a way out. I also firmly believe that many a times, deserving candidates run out of patience and give up the chase.And it's rather unfortunate that in the end the HR view of " My way, or the highway" prevails and the organisation loses out on an opportunity to draft somebody who could have been an excellent choice. THINK ABOUT IT ? I am sure quite a few of my experienced friends out there, at some point might have been at the receiving end of this so called, high handed approach( "I know what you are worth " P.O.V).

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