Friday, May 8, 2009


Every marketer today is grappling with a big question. How do I make my offering count ? How can I get the customers to buy my products . Whether it's about enhancing the visibility for an existing product or inducing trial for a new one, the job on hand requires innovative solutions. Same old beaten path isn't good enough any more. I seriously think that the famous four P's ( now a generic term) have to be coupled with a big "S" now. Customers are smart , you can't take them for granted. Problem is, we think we know everything there is to know, about this extremely whimsical lot.

" S" could be the new P according to me. We all love SURPRISES. Don't we? Even our potential customers would love a surprise or two along the way. The last thing we marketers need is, to be seen as a predictable lot by our esteemed buyers.

The other day I was reading about a perfect example of "S" started by Britain's Royal Mail as a direct mailing exercise on Chris Andersons blog. Sending people a box of free stuff. Surprise! Surprise!! Called " Matter" the box contained Books, DVD's, CD's, Shower Products, A candy bar, a pre-paid SIM card and few other goodies. The idea was that the customers should try them, maybe give some to their friends, tell people about them, interact with products in a way that's more interesting than traditional direct mail advertising.

Now that's what I call........OUT OF THE MATTERBOX!!

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