Sunday, February 14, 2010

CALL ME RAM LAL.......... The famous canine friend

As promised, here's another postcard from the pink city. This one is about this popular four legged canine called Ram Lal in Kasturba Nagar, where my brother stays. A very docile black street dog, who is very popular with the kids and grown ups alike. Oh! I forgot to mention, don't get mislead by the name, it's a she. That's right a she with a he name :-). There is a little story about the coining of this name. I am told when Ram Lal was a little pup, a bunch of kids decided to name her one day. Since they couldn't figure out the sex:-) of our little friend, they started referring her as Ram Lal. Interesting, isn't it ?

With the break of dawn, Ram Lal starts prancing the street of Kasturba Nagar, visiting every house, exchanging innocent glance with all the early birds in the neighbourhood. Everybody considers Ram Lal as a family pet, in fact some as an important member. Food has never been a problem for her. Dinner is always served at my brothers house.

She's one hell of a popular dog I must say :-)

1 comment:

Sanjeev Khanna said...

That's a very nice story :-) Typically the street dogs get harassed by people. Glad to see animals being given their due right to live alongside humans :-)