Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rendezvous @ LIVE

Friday night comes as a welcome relief to people at work everywhere. Doesn't it ? It's time to put all those worries behind and look forward to two days of respite, a well deserved break.

29th of August was no different. Somewhere in the heart of the city, a bunch of pros gathered to relive their glorious past. To be more precise, recreate those magical moments or hey !! better still, hear the 100 pipers play.

Unfortunately , yours truly, missed out on all the fireworks that evening. An excellent opportunity to nestle in the warmth of their fabulous company went begging. In a nutshell, that day, the Pundit lost out on a couple of glasses of self sponsored( for your own drink, silly!) beer, forwarded juvenile jokes(miss that smile on the face of the narrator,that handy man...certainly it used to be bigger than the creator of those stupid jokes) session, and whole lotta gossip( that has to be the icing on the cake for the august gathering).

am I regretting it ??................Nay!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

fireworks????? without any fire.........actually!!!!!!!