Sunday, May 31, 2009


I strongly condemn the recent racial attacks on Indian Students in Australia. Wake - up Australia!! before it's too late. Shravan Kumar is battling for his life and the perpetrators of such a heinous crime still at large. Hope sanity is restored Down Under soon enough.

Got robbed, stabbed in the back

I am neither white nor a black

I am just a man like you n Jack

Lying on the blood soaked bed,

Motionless, in so much of pain

I am desperate to regain

All that I've lost

the confidence ,my will to survive

hope I get everything back

my life will soon revive.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


This encounter was billed as the ultimate tussle, a battle royal for supremacy in Europe. And rightly so, after all it doesn't get any bigger than this. This undoubtedly, is the ultimate bastion of greatness, the winner vying for the top honors . UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE finals at Rome, between Manchester United and Barcelona was too big an event, a mouth-watering prospect, that a sports freak like yours truly couldn't have missed.

The excitement was tremendous, as the clock hit 11.30 pm , Wednesday 27th May 09. I took my seat in the royal enclosure of my room. As the referee blew the whistle for Kick-Off ,I was` right at the edge of my seat with my eye's firmly fixed on the monitor, hoping to see yet another classic final. But Alas! it wasn't to be, and my hopes were dashed well before the end of the match . Man U was such a disappointment,they never got into the groove. And Barcelona decimated the lackluster red devils 2-0 to lift the trophy. Samuel Eto's opportunism and Lionel Messi's Latino magic proved too much for Sir Alex Furgusons boys to tackle on the big night.

HUMPTY DUMPTY HAD A GREAT FALL ! Sorry Fergie better luck next time.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Ah! The Wanderers!!

Johannesburg slept late last night. And the reason, an absolute humdinger, the grand finale of IPL T 20 at the Wanderers Stadium, between Deccan Chargers Hyderabad and Royal Challengers Bangalore. A nail-biter that went right down to the wire. Wow ! what a match!!

It was such a close encounter till the end. Boy! It was crazy out there.The boyz from Hyderabad were absolutely fired -up when they bowled to defend a modest total. I love this guy, Andrew Symonds,a typical Aussie. He started the verbal assault right from the word go, sparring no one. I don't blame him, cricket nowadays has become a mind game. As a batsman you have to insulate yourself from all the non sense that's being thrown at you. You need to watch out for players like Symo who will try to derail your concentration by dragging you away from the game. Mental toughness is the key in crunch matches like this one.

Kudos! to Adam Gilchrist & mates for coming out trumps in this edition of IPL.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


If you are reading this . Remember all the good times we had together, the musketeer spirit - "one for all, all for one" we thought would never go away. Alas !!!

you call yourself a friend, still unwilling to make amends
you say I sympathize, it's sad what happened, it wasn't right
you say I care, sorry got too busy and I wasn't there

Hey! stop playing these little games I hate
Would rather wait then to have you as my mate
I've been sittin' waitin' thinkin' all this while
why does it happen, why people are so full of guile
good times bring friends like you in plenty I know now
I have learnt my lesson well, you may go now
don't look back, don't you bother
and stop calling yourself my compadre, my brother.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


"A NIGHT TO REMEMBER"! that's how I want to describe , last nights killer assault by one of my all time favorite cricketer ADAM " THE BEAST" GILCHRIST. Team Delhi was sent on a leather hunt right from the word go. I haven't seen a more brutal knock than what was on display at Centurion yesterday, in a long time.

At times, I am amazed at the quality of some of these guys. I think they still have lot of cricket left in them. Adam is such a sweet timer of the ball. I can pay an arm and a leg to watch him wield that willow, anytime, anywhere.

THANKS GILLY FOR YET ANOTHER HISTORIC KNOCK. I don't think Deccan Chargers could have asked for a better Skip. YOU ARE SPECIAL!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


am I a turbulent sea tossing underneath venomous dark clouds? Or am I a wilting leaf facing the wrath of a scorching sun beneath the summer skies? am I a shooting star burning bright and then fading away across the sky on a cold winter night ? or am I the only cab stranded in the middle of a lonely road to nowhere full of fright? am I that wounded soldier trapped in the deep bloody trenches of hell wanting to get back home to see all is well ?


Monday, May 18, 2009


Before I get sued for copyright infringement, I would like to apologise to Bono n mates for stealing the title for this post from their latest offering. Sorry guy's couldn't think of a better title for the following . But hey!! on second thoughts, shouldn't this make you proud .Isn't it true that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery?

As the night falls, shadows lengthen

I see those strides weakening again,

staring at those empty walls

I see the creep crawling again.

Will he win, will he lose

Will there be a twist in the tale,

or will his saga meet the same fate
questions unanswered, there are far too many

It's just an accident I hope, and not his destiny.

Like a wild stream meandering thru' the valley

tryin' hard to find his way thru' the dark alley

all by himself, all alone ,there he goes again

hope its not too late and he can still change his fate

Sweet smell of victory he will taste again

Back on his feet the creep will walk again

hope he will walk again...............

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Nay ! at least majority doesn't think so . Have you ever noticed a man with a receding hair line combing his hair. It's such an emotional sight. I call it " hair today, gone tomorrow " syndrome. I have seen people coming to blows with their hair stylists, especially those who despite their best efforts are unable to hold on to their disappearing crown. It happened today morning. I saw a man spitting fire at the poor barber for cropping his wobbly crown too short.

I don't blame this extremely emo lot for their occasional outbursts, after all it's a matter of their pride .Though staving off the inevitable isn't easy and one day comb will not be an important grooming accessory anymore, but till then, they will do whatever it takes to latch on to the last strand.

If clothes make a man, then a nice crown on the head makes a man what he wants to be. So tonight before sleeping, gently caress that mane and reassure yourself that it's not going to happen to you and you would never lose that crown.

Good Night !!


Remember that famous dialogue from the mega hit Hindi Film Deewar ( 1975). Despite all the riches, materialistic possessions, Amitabh couldn't win over his Ma ( Mother). Shashi Kapoor, the younger brother immortalized the " Ma" on the silver screen as the Almighty's greatest gift.

Many years later, in 2009 a great musician, who made India Proud by bagging two Oscar's for hugely successful movie, Slumdog Millionaire , dedicated his win to his beloved Ma and cited the classic " Mere Pas Ma hai" quote from Deewar in his acceptance speech.

She indeed is a divine lady. She is both, power and glory.

Today is Mother's Day, and the Sacred Observatory would like to wish all the mother's around the world a very happy mother's day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Dumb and Dumber, The Mask, Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, every flick of funny man James Eugene Carrey has been a laugh riot. We simply love his movies.

Had a rough day at work? Or maybe back home? Jim's the man who can make you laugh away all your worries, even if it's only for a little while. Talking about laughter, there's an interesting comment I read somewhere by late JFK, which I thought is so true. " There are only three things in life that are real: God, Human Folly and Laughter.In that the first two things are beyond our comprehension, we must do what we can with the third".

It's such a joy to watch people laugh. Don't you feel a surge of positive energy deep within when you make others laugh? I do. And I feel nice about it. Here's a piece of advice, if the life around you is bugging you , and you are desperately in need of an escape. Try some of the movies of Mr. Rubber Face. You won't regret a single moment.

We've just finished watching "The Mask" for the umpteenth time and yet we are struggling to wipe that huge grin off our faces.

Somebody stop me! Ha !! Ha!!!

( Pundit in a laughing collaboration with Chetan at home)


Some days can be a real dampener. Some days can make us weak. Even yours truly isn't immune to occasional dark clouds.

Another day gone, I am still to find my song

Day turns into night, shadows start givin' a fright
There's no end n there's no beginning,

I've got lot to say, but no one's listening

cold as ice, I stand alone

somewhere far away, I walk alone
I walk alone..........

Friday, May 8, 2009


Every marketer today is grappling with a big question. How do I make my offering count ? How can I get the customers to buy my products . Whether it's about enhancing the visibility for an existing product or inducing trial for a new one, the job on hand requires innovative solutions. Same old beaten path isn't good enough any more. I seriously think that the famous four P's ( now a generic term) have to be coupled with a big "S" now. Customers are smart , you can't take them for granted. Problem is, we think we know everything there is to know, about this extremely whimsical lot.

" S" could be the new P according to me. We all love SURPRISES. Don't we? Even our potential customers would love a surprise or two along the way. The last thing we marketers need is, to be seen as a predictable lot by our esteemed buyers.

The other day I was reading about a perfect example of "S" started by Britain's Royal Mail as a direct mailing exercise on Chris Andersons blog. Sending people a box of free stuff. Surprise! Surprise!! Called " Matter" the box contained Books, DVD's, CD's, Shower Products, A candy bar, a pre-paid SIM card and few other goodies. The idea was that the customers should try them, maybe give some to their friends, tell people about them, interact with products in a way that's more interesting than traditional direct mail advertising.

Now that's what I call........OUT OF THE MATTERBOX!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


We don't live in a perfect world. In our blind quest for perfection, we have become a cold human race . In fact we have become immune to the imperfections that surrounds us. We are unwilling to notice and acknowledge the great divide that exist in our daily lives.

What do you think, when you see a ragpicker at the street corner. A charsi ( druggie) or an unfortunate son ?? If you have been to the pride, the most popular shopping hub, Connaught Place, at the heart of New Delhi, you can see them walking, limping, crawling any time of the day or night.

I find it quite disturbing . Imagine coming out of a fancy restaurant and being mobbed by these unfortunate sons right outside the door . It's hard to fathom why the Traders Union, or the cops ( with you, for you, always - friends in Khakhi) don't seek help from a NGO to rescue these guys. It's not about cleaning our streets , it's about finding a better place for them.....maybe a home away from home. AT LEAST WE CAN TRY !!


I think theres more to 7th of May than what we were made to understand by our morning papers today . The world's largest democracy went to polls earlier in the day, and nothing can be more newsworthy...... its got to be the mother of all spectacles. Full marks to our friends perched atop the news towers for dedicating the lion's share of their editorial space to this magnum opus . After all it's the ultimate power tussle and the entire world is watching us ever so closely.

But its rather unfortunate that in this political razzmatazz, we completely forgot that this day also belonged to a revered historical figure. And so did our friends back at the news bureau.Today is the birthday of great Bengali polymath Rabindranath Tagore. A poet, playwright, novelist, social reformer, educationist, visual artist, nationalist, composer.... one name, many shades.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

NETAJI COMETH !! It's election time again

There's something different about our dear Mr. Politician this time. The fabulous all white brigade has embarked on a "no nonsense" extremely business like approach. No one is leaving any stone unturned to charm the janta janaardan ( Masses ). What's new ?one might ask. The drill is quite predictable when it's kissa khursi ka ( power struggle), every time the nation goes to the poll.

What's intriguing and well worth a postcard is the 360 degree, visibility at all cost, methodology. It surely is in tune with the changing times.And looking at the given scenario very much demand of the hour. Isn't it Netaji ??

Look at the way your handy has been flooded with innovative texts about the strengths of some of the potential custodians of India's political fate.

Well ! I am not sure whether our Politicians means business or not , but their approach surely does.


Take a bow Mr. Modi, you've done it again. Second Edition of IPL - T 20 in South Africa is proving to be another humdinger. And who says you have to be a Springbok who can talk Afrikaans to pull the crowds in this part of the world. The response has been overwhelming, the atmosphere at the venues absolutely electrifying. It's been raining sixers n fours at every match and the spectators are craving for more.

Kudos to the organizing party for a stellar performance. Though I am not a staunch supporter of the format( a purist to the core, to be honest) , but nonetheless I am all for the decision of taking the domestic action to the foreign soil. I am sure the Indian players and especially the new kid's on the block will benefit immensely from this exposure on fast and bouncy pitches.

I have been voicing my opinion to my close friends who understand the game, and follow it with lot of passion, regarding the possibility of Indian Cricket Board trying to experiment by taking some of the domestic tournaments to foreign venues, especially down under Australia and England. I don't think finance is really an issue with the richest board. I am sure it will provide a whole new impetus to our search for discovering new talent in the country. Bowling department to my mind is a big concern. And has been for quite some time now.We keep getting few sparks in the middle but they tend to fizzle out too soon.

I miss those fabulous sultans of swing..Kapil Dev, Michael Holding, Sir Richard Hadlee, Dennis Lillee, Malcom Marshall, Andy Roberts, Joel Garner, Wasim Akram, Waqar Younis, Imran Khan, Ian Botham, Glenn McGrath . Each one of them had such a huge repertoire. They could make the ball talk at will and mesmerize any batsman in the world with their armoury. Simply in a class beyond a class of their own.

GOING! GOING !!......GONE!!!

Writing is on the wall. Dwindling circulation/readership numbers, shrinking advertising volumes, overcrowded landscape, Magazines are really up against it. It's a daunting task to survive through all this carnage if you are a magazine publisher. Who would have thought, less than a year back that the joyride would come to an abrupt halt and topple the applecart in the worst possible manner.

No one has managed to come out unscathed. Every single publisher, be it a broadsheet or a magazine has borne the brunt of the slowdown. Contrary to the preachings of the marketing n advertising Guru's, the first thing that goes under the hammer is the advertising budget when the going gets tough. Remember what famous Henry Ford said once, " Half of all advertising is a waste of money; we just don't know which half ". So rather than trying to figure which half to focus on our esteemed advertisers have decided to play safe and save on every single dollar/rupee.

Pick-up any magazine and you'll understand what I mean.Due to lack of advertising revenues, even the editorial pages have taken a hit and publishers have been forced to scale down the number of pages. Magazine's have already started looking at corrective measures, like upping the cover price, change of frequency , closing down non profitable titles etc.

But I still feel that, no one has really come out with a strong long term blue print to survive and thrive. Everyone has resorted to short term measures. There has to be a paradigm shift the way magazines are published and sold. Nokia is not the same company it used to be about a decade back, nor is HP,two of the biggest advertisers. These are companies at the cutting edge of technology. Tech leaders who are looking for very innovative, clutter - bursting advertising solutions in real time.

I think we've reached a stage where both the publisher and the advertiser will have to be partners in the real sense and look at a complete new business approach.

Think about it !!

And I am not taking off my thinking cap, just yet.