Before I get sued for copyright infringement, I would like to apologise to Bono n mates for stealing the title for this post from their latest offering. Sorry guy's couldn't think of a better title for the following . But hey!! on second thoughts, shouldn't this make you proud .Isn't it true that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery?
As the night falls, shadows lengthen
I see those strides weakening again,
staring at those empty walls
I see the creep crawling again.
Will he win, will he lose
Will there be a twist in the tale,
or will his saga meet the same fate
questions unanswered, there are far too many
It's just an accident I hope, and not his destiny.
Like a wild stream meandering thru' the valley
tryin' hard to find his way thru' the dark alley
all by himself, all alone ,there he goes again
hope its not too late and he can still change his fate
Sweet smell of victory he will taste again
Back on his feet the creep will walk again
hope he will walk again...............