Sunday, June 22, 2008

ANTICLIMAX !!! Underdogs roared last night..and the night before

Holland covered in Guss pimples!.........Croatia couldn't shoot the Turkey down!! What an anticlimax at Euro 08. On current form, both where expected to go the full distance. Alas! it wasn't to be.

Russians and the Turks dashed the hopes of millions back home in Holland and Croatia. Funny game this Soccer, isn't it ?? Just When everybody, including the Pundit, thought the Orange will prevail come the Grand Finale, they are heading for the airport, with their heads hanging down in shame.

Now it's an open field heading into the Semi's, any team could emerge victorious from here on. Tonight Azzurri take on the bulls from Spain, vying for the final spot in the penultimate round. And that's going to be a cracking affair. ALL TO PLAY FOR!

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