Sunday, June 1, 2008

Rocking myself to grave !!

When I was in college, RADIO GA GA used to be one of my favorite tracks. Incomparable Freddie Mercury has belted many great songs during the rein of QUEEN and who can forget the unforgettable Bohemian rhapsody, became an anthem of sorts when it was released. But ga ga for some strange reason, has stuck with me... an eternal favorite? maybe.
Cd's used to be a rich man's buy those days, hence tapes used to be our staple diet. Believe me, on a shoestring pocket money, even buying a tape used to be an expensive affair back then. It's said nothing can stop the passion when it assumes himalayan proportions. Budgetary constraints not withstanding, in no time a small collection of music turned into an ocean. The drill used to be simple. If you like it, you better buy it !!
Lot of water has gone under the bridge since, but the passion hasn't gone down a bit. Though I experiment a lot these days and have dabbled into every genre of music, still rock continues to be the soul curry. Can't imagine my life without my music...MY GREATEST COMPANION, MY BIGGEST STRESS BUSTER.If not for my music, the path I tread would be a long and lonesome one.

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