Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wikimapia!!.......Map of nostalgia

I am not a tech person. My friends who understand and use it, cover for my lack of knowledge. Today we live in a world, which is being propelled by cutting edge technology. Keeping pace with the frantic pace at which it is moving is not easy. But somehow, I am managing to stay in the know of things.
Other day , my bro' had mailed me a link of wikimapia. Without giving away much, he wanted me to click on the same. I didn't realize that the picture coming next,would pack a powerful punch of nostalgia.Suddenly I saw the white screen disappearing and a green map emerging. I watched, my eyes wide open. Lost track of time and place completely. All I could see was mountains and tall pine trees every where. Hey ! I know this place, said to myself. I have been here before. This is Tharali.That small village up in the lap of Himalayas, which is so dear to our folks. Dad is no more, but I could see him so clearly walking the dusty path leading up to the bazaar yesterday. Everything was so alive in that little map..............the map of nostalgia.

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