Sunday, June 15, 2008

Aquarium or the open sea ??

Tough choice isn't it ? Especially if you are a teeny-weeny gold fish. Who is used to being pampered every morning. Tiny flakes of fish food lowered down into the aquarium ever so gently. Variety of faces, greeting you , trying to communicate with you. And then there's the water, so clear. What a life ! Isn't it ??

Well, Open sea has it's own charm, I say. It's vast, can swim as far as you want. But the trouble is, the company, it can get real crowded down there. All kinds of predators on the prowl, danger lurks at every corner.

I have been thru' a similar dilemma. But I have made my choice in favor of the deep blue and have thrust myself back into the open sea. Life was nice n easy in the aquarium, could have stayed there forever. But the call of the open sea was too big a temptation to resist this time round.

Hope to swim with the sharks and stay alive in my new found home.................THE OPEN SEA.

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