Sunday, June 29, 2008
Magnum Opus.............History beckons!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008
What's all that hullabaloo about ??........size zero, implants,and now....


The much admired global hot beverage..... coffee, rarely found a place on my list of "must have"..... until I walked thru' the doors of a popular coffee chain and fell for that sparkling cup filled with espresso coffee, steamed milk with a topping of whipped cream.
There has been no looking back since.............I keep heading back to those small joints.......whenever I get time between my meetings. I wish I could do it often.............LOVE THAT CAPPUCCINO!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008
A fine day among the Lords.......Lords of 83 !!

Hearsay!!........ A new leisure pursuit.

ANTICLIMAX !!! Underdogs roared last night..and the night before

Thursday, June 19, 2008
TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT !!.........it's showtime at Euro 08


We all hate spam. Don’t we?? We lose lot of precious time, trying to get rid of all that junk from our mailboxes, every morning.
Snail mail is a passé; we all know …….speed mail is what we’ve come to rely on so heavily these days. Be it work or otherwise, we all use this tool extensively to get the message across.
I think e mailing is losing it’s potency in terms of holding the attention. Imagine the plight of the recipient. All kinds of messages keep piling in his inbox and separating the important ones from the unwanted lot becomes a mammoth challenge. It really dampens your spirits to discover that you have been inundated by scum of the cyber space without any warning.
I am a firm believer in the inherent power of e mails as a marketing weapon. If you can sprinkle your communication with elements of intrigue, put in the right words, the recipient can’t afford to ignore it. And the message will surely be read……. and who knows with a little bit of luck might elicit a response.
Good e mails are like mini billboards, trying to draw the attention of the recipient.
I put a lot of effort in my mails……..trying ever so hard to freeze the recipients in their tracks. I want my every message to shine thru’ like a silver lining behind the dark clouds of SPAM.
Honestly, I am not sure, whether every mail that I keep sending out is being read or not. But hey!! That doesn’t deter me from doing what i love doing as part of my daily drill at work....shooting lot of mails to my clients.
TO END …it’s not about what you say; it’s about how you say it.
Happy e mailing!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Aquarium or the open sea ??

Still Counting!! gimme some more crows, please

Raindrop keeps fallin' on my head !

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wikimapia!!.......Map of nostalgia

Somebody stop me !!!

Looks like the men in orange, are on a mission this time. They are out to prove it to the footballing world, that they want to get rid of the tag of eternal chokers on the big stage. They have everything going for them, in the 08 edition of European Supremacy. A young ambitious coach, who is staking a claim to become the first in history, to lift the trophy, both as a player and coach. A squad full of talented players.
Is anybody listening?? Somebody stop them from running away with the honors. Honestly on current form, I have my doubts.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
It's hot in the city tonight !!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Future is bright.......Future is orange !!!

Barring the opener, which seemed like a clear off-side, by Rudd Van Nisterloy, the remaining two were real gems. There could have been at least two more goals had the dutch managed to find the back of the net. With yesterdays rock - solid display, I guess I'll back the dutch to reach the finals of Euro 2008.
Wow!! what a match. Loved every bit of it. For a change, even FTV Midnight Hot wasn't a lure, big enough to move me away from the game.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Nothing much really !!.........Waiting for some sparks

We all need sparks when the going gets tough. Voice from deep within can do real magic. Listen to your heart, they say when the road ahead is not so easy..... when you are caught up in a rough weather.
Hasn't been an easy ride at work today . Back against the wall......feeling let down by the clients, by the team, by my prowess to challenge and change the status quo. At times, the best is not good enough. When things aren't going your way, it becomes a lonesome ride and the daily crusade becomes a lot bloodier.
I am in need of sparks. A lot of them, to be honest. Hope tomorrow is going to be another day. And not as gloomy as today.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
What a day!!!....sporting spectacle all way.

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Much Ado About Nothing !!.....gimme the real thing, anyday

Rocking myself to grave !!

Wish I could turn back the clock.......

The more we work, farther we go away from things we love to do. Time is a real luxury these days.This constant craving for fame and money, the desire to be somebody has left us completely drained, with very little energy to pursue things we always wanted to do.
Earning big bucks seems to be the universal goal today. You are nobody, if dollars are not sticking out of your every pocket. Everyone has succumed to the charm of this green small rectangular piece of paper.
I am also a part of this mad scramble. Family, friends,peers, everyone has played a part in drilling this ultimate goal in my head. IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY DEAR!! is all i hear, all the time. Even I have dreams, beautiful dreams, priceless dreams. But Alas ! WHO WANTS TO KNOW.
Buyer or Pahalwaan !!

What would you call our esteemed media buyers today ?? I am sure at some point, each on of us, especially who are part of the advertising sales, might have faced their wrath and would have been at the receiving end of their strong arm tactics.
I always thought media buying is both, a science as well as an art.With due respect to some, and unfortunately this breed is fast disappearing, most of them believe in wielding the sword and hammering the daylights out of poor media representatives.
I completely understand that the buyers today want to get the best deals for their clients. And why shouldn't they. After all ,getting more bang for the clients investment is the primary objective of all the media agencies.
But the point I am trying to make here is, about the faulty process, the error prone approach when it comes to negotiations. Firstly, every offering, be it a broadsheet, a magazine, a channel, or the new media (on-line) should be treated on merit. To put everything in one basket, and demand rates, which make a mockery of the card rate and challenge the very wisdom behind the offering, is sheer stupidity.
It's time they should realize that, it is very important to evaluate the medium from every aspect. There are so many serious launches happening today, and unless the buyers understand the medium, asks the relevant questions and gives that extra bit of weight age, negotiations will continue to be nothing more than a " Pahalwaan show" .
Let's hear it for the new "P" !!

Marketing has come a long way today. And the original four P's have been stretched and transformed into a huge never ending list . And I presume we aren't finished yet. All the necessary "P's" in place, still success ain't easy to come by. It can't be guaranteed. There are umpteen examples out there. So close, yet so far. The success and failure of a brand today is not just the result of getting all the laid rules right, but taking one extra step. Or is it a giant leap?
P for PASSION is what this giant leap can be termed in today's context. Having a visionary at the helm, an excellent offering, a great set of employees , is a surefire recipe for annihilating the competition in their trenches, we all know this. But, in the long run if this new "P" is not an integral part of the whole mix, it could spell trouble.
Every soul behind the brand,irrespective of the levels and roles, need to be supremely passionate about what they do .
Apple a classic example, a company, a pioneer, always exploring new technological frontiers, fosters a culture where every individual is on fire....so full of passion. i mac, i pod ,i phone and many more such marvellous technological innovations, which are yet to come, are result of unparalleled passion.