See you soon.
Yours truly
According to the Master - "While many businesses will fail amidst the current economic crisis through no fault of their own, some will survive in spite of the odds—and a few will surprise by turning a messy situation into economic-competitive advantage. The requisite winner's attitude is expressed by former Ritz - Carlton chief Horst Schulze , commenting on his decision to launch his new high-end hotel business,Capella, despite the market madness: "I do not accept the explanation of a recession negatively affecting the [new] business. There are still people traveling. We just have to get them to stay in our hotel." And, indeed, getting an "unfair share" of "what's left" is near the heart of the matter. Schulze's remarks also remind us that instant, mindless cutting of R&D or training or salesforce travel in the face of a downturn is often counterproductive—or, rather, downright stupid. Tough times are in fact golden opportunities to get the drop, and the long term drop at that, on those who respond to bad news by panicky across-the-board slash and burn tactics and moves that de-motivate and alienate the workforce at exactly the wrong moment.
Tough times indeed require tough and unpleasant decisions—but thriving, not just surviving, is an option for those who mix wisdom and boldness of leadership with transparency and maximized employee involvement and engagement. Without suggesting that there is anything humorous about the pain that bad times cause, one can say that "this is when it gets fun" for truly talented and imaginative leaders at all levels and in businesses of every sort and size! "
Need I say anything more.................Tom knows best. A badly required pearl of wisdom to weather the storm.
The much admired global hot beverage..... coffee, rarely found a place on my list of "must have"..... until I walked thru' the doors of a popular coffee chain and fell for that sparkling cup filled with espresso coffee, steamed milk with a topping of whipped cream.
There has been no looking back since.............I keep heading back to those small joints.......whenever I get time between my meetings. I wish I could do it often.............LOVE THAT CAPPUCCINO!!
We all hate spam. Don’t we?? We lose lot of precious time, trying to get rid of all that junk from our mailboxes, every morning.
Snail mail is a passé; we all know …….speed mail is what we’ve come to rely on so heavily these days. Be it work or otherwise, we all use this tool extensively to get the message across.
I think e mailing is losing it’s potency in terms of holding the attention. Imagine the plight of the recipient. All kinds of messages keep piling in his inbox and separating the important ones from the unwanted lot becomes a mammoth challenge. It really dampens your spirits to discover that you have been inundated by scum of the cyber space without any warning.
I am a firm believer in the inherent power of e mails as a marketing weapon. If you can sprinkle your communication with elements of intrigue, put in the right words, the recipient can’t afford to ignore it. And the message will surely be read……. and who knows with a little bit of luck might elicit a response.
Good e mails are like mini billboards, trying to draw the attention of the recipient.
I put a lot of effort in my mails……..trying ever so hard to freeze the recipients in their tracks. I want my every message to shine thru’ like a silver lining behind the dark clouds of SPAM.
Honestly, I am not sure, whether every mail that I keep sending out is being read or not. But hey!! That doesn’t deter me from doing what i love doing as part of my daily drill at work....shooting lot of mails to my clients.
TO END …it’s not about what you say; it’s about how you say it.
Happy e mailing!!